
I’m Anton Dubrau. You can find me around the internet as ant6n.

I’m very interested in how to make public transit work in urban and suburban contexts, and how transit and urban development relate to build more sustainable cities. I also like maps and related visualizations.

I’m currently doing an MBA in sustainable transportation at the Technical University Berlin.

I worked for several years at Transit App on making Transit Work. My work includes creating schedule formats, dealing with real time data and predictions, and maps.

I spend most of my free time thinking about public transit. I did a master’s at McGill studying compilers, where I worked on static program analyses for dynamic languages. I also have an undergraduate degree in Math and CS.

See my list of projects.

I blog here about projects I’m working on, public transit ideas I’ve had, and systems I’ve encountered. I’ve written for Spacing Montreal. You can find me on Twitter at @ant6n and on google email as ant6nd.